Hot Shot Coffee

Hot Shot Coffee emerged from the familiar streets of Geebung, right across from a previous workplace of mine. The manager’s discovery of my frequent visits led to an unexpected opportunity—a chance to shape the cafe’s identity.

In a span of two days, a circular logo design was born, a versatile emblem perfect for decals and shirts. This design not only adorned materials but also mirrored the cafe’s ethos, resonating with its patrons.

Nestled within the logo is more than just visuals—it encapsulates the cafe’s culture. Notably, the manager’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Boston, finds his place within the design, a subtle nod to the cafe’s warmth and community.

Hot Shot Coffee’s logo is a fusion of creativity and collaboration, a symbol of shared experiences. This portfolio entry celebrates how design can breathe life into a brand, enriching its appeal and fostering a deeper connection with its patrons.